A book about the Chateau from 1515, The Library (24 of 50)
The Kitchen Garden (25 of 50)
The Kitchen Garden Bedroom (26 of 50)
The Kitchen Garden Bedroom (27 of 50)
The Litchen Garden (28 of 50)
The Moat Bedroom (29 of 50)
The Moat Bedroom (30 of 50)
The Moat Bedroom (31 of 50)
The Moat Bedroom (32 of 50)
Nursery (33 of 50)
Ornamental Garden (34 of 50)
Nursery (35 of 50)
Chateau Model (36 of 50)
Kitchen Garden (37 of 50)
Cabbage in the Kitchen Garden...one small square of the Kitchen garden. Both tasty and a artistic addition to the garden. (38 of 50)
A view of the Kitchen Garden from an upper floor of the Chateau. (39 of 50)
Art Gallery (40 of 50)
Art Gallery (41 of 50)
Art Gallery (42 of 50)
Art Gallery (43 of 50)
Courtyard from the Art Gallery (44 of 50)
Just some beautiful flowers (45 of 50)
Looking back over the Ornamental Garden (46 of 50)
Beyond both gardens (47 of 50)
Close-up Kitchen Garden (48 of 50)
One of the flowers sprinkled around the Kitchen Garden (49 of 50)
Layout of he Kitchen Gardens where 115,000 plants are grown for use at the Chateau and to provide a beautiful display for the visitors. 10 full time gardeners maintain the grounds. (50 of 50)