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Days: 13 - 15
June 24th - 26th
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June 24th - Tour Day 11

June 25th - Tour Day 12

June 26th - Tour Day 13

Daily Itineraries
Luzern Engelberg Lugano Murren Lausanne Bern
•  Castle Park (Parc du Chateau)
•  Cathedral Sainte Reparate
•  Chateau des Baux
•  Museum of Santons

•  Chez Theresa
•  La Cambuse
•  La Reine Jeanne

•  Nice Marche aux Fleurs

Nice Tourism

This promenade is one block off the front street. There are a bunch of statues (there the ones on the poles), a really large (and flat) fountain and a bunch of restaurants on the other end. A pleasant place for a walk and to spend some down time.

Apollo from affair
Prom du Paillon

Water Fountain
Prom du Paillon

Seven Statues at Massena Square
Prom du Paillon

Messena Square
Prom du Paillon

Seven tatues at Massena Square
Prom du Paillon

Prom du Paillon

Massena Square
Prom du Paillon

Prom du Paillon

Gelato French Style

WWII War memorial to the resistance

Just Beautiful Flowers

Looking east along the Prom due Anglais

Looking east near sunset

Nine Lines from the beach side

Walking Around Nice

A small mass going on

Looking to the main alter

Main Alter

Close-up Stained Glass side alter


Stained glass

Dome interior

Cathedral Sainte Reparate
3 rue Sainbte Reparate
06300 Nice
Tel: 04 93 92 01 35
FAX: 04 93 62 26 19

From les Baux de Provence website:

The museum of "santons" (figures for the Christmas crib) contains a vast number of exhibits including some outstanding figurines made in Naples, scenes illustrating the traditions of Provence and Les Baux linked to the Nativity and a documentary film on the manufacture of these figures.


Santons of the Manger scene
Santons Museum

Santons Manger scene
Santons Museum

Arnaud explains the Santons
Santons Museum

Close up Santons Manger Scene
Santons Museum

Jan & Ruth looking over the Santons
Santons Museum

Individual Santons
Santons Museum

Previously used Santons
Santons Museum

Museum of Santons
Place Louis Jou
13520 Les Baux de Provence
Tel: 33 04 90 54 34 39

From Nice-Tourism.com:

The Castle Park (Parc du Chateau), also referred to as the Castle Hill (Colline du Chateau) by force of the fact it is the highest altitude in Vieux Nice (92 meters above the sea level), is the place where the ruins of the former Chateau de Nice can be spotted. It is deemed one of the top tourist attractions in Nice, an objective not to be missed out by the visitors of the French Riviera. More...

Entrance to the elevator for Castle Hill/Park

Looking down onto the Prom due Anglais

Harbor Entrance

Just a few `boats`


Linda appreciating the beautiful view

Pavement Mosaic

Arnaud describes the castle ruins

Foundation of Castle
Castle Park (Parc du Chateau)
Montee du Chateau
Vieux Nice
06300, Nice
From Wikipedia:

Although already inhabited in the Bronze Age, Les Baux-de-Provence did not really start growing until the medieval period. Built in the 10th century, the fortress and the small town it protects were ruled by the lords of Baux for five hundred years, More...

Arial view (not my picture)
Chateau des Baux

Arial view (no my picture)
Chateau des Baux

Recreated Battering Ram
Chateau des Baux

Craved out formation
Chateau des Baux

Looking back to the town
Chateau des Baux

Coming down from the highest point
Chateau des Baux

Chateau des Baux
Chateau des Baux
13520 Les Baux-de-Provence
Tel: +33 4 90 54 55 56

We stopped by the restaurant to admire the pizza making process. Arnaud told us how delicious it was. He was right! We met up with the delivery person a short time later on the Promenade Des Anglais (the last picture is their delivery vehicle).

Recommended Pizza


Freshly baked pie

Delivery bike

Chez Theresa
28 Rue Droite
06300 Nice
Tel: +33 4 93 85 00 04

This was the final dinner of our tour. We all shared good stories about the trip and then good byes at the end. Unfortunately, the service was SO poor that it tarnished the gathering. Arnaud was frustrated because there aren't many places in Nice (at least in the area where we stayed) that can handle a group of our size. Anyway, we enjoyed ourselves as we closed out the trip.

Arnaud giving us the low-down on out final dinner

Waiting for appatizers

Salad is served

I`ll take two please

Another table

Store front

Our table

There won`t be much of a tip on this one

La Cambuse
5 Cours Saleya
06000 Nice
Tel: 33 4 93 80 82 40

La Reine Jeanne

Arnaud getting someone`s attention
La Reine Jeanne

La Reine Jeanne

Patio where we sat
La Reine Jeanne

Front entrance
La Reine Jeanne

La Reine Jeanne
13520 Les Baux de Provence
Tel: 04 90 54 32 06
FAX: 04 90 54 32 33

This was a VERY interesting hotel. The location is outstanding, The accomodations are just unusual. The room is no more then 8 feet wide. The bed is over the bathroom. Now you can't stand up next to the bed, and I recommend you're REALLY careful if to need to visit the loo during the night. BTW the breakfast was good. Unusual, but not really less then what we needed.

Our room

Our bed and entrance way

Full shot of our room

Toward the balcony

Nice Marche aux Fleurs
91 quai des Etats unis
06300 Nice
Tel: 011 33 4 93 85 74 19
FAX: 011 33 4 93 13 90 94