Days: 10 - 12
Saturday, July 1st
Tuesday, July 3rd
Pounds Sterling
Conversion rate on
our visit:
$1.98 = £1.00
Stow on the Wold
What We Had
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Page Index
Travel Extras
•  Additional Location Information
What We Saw
•  Warwick Castle
•  St. Michael & All Angels` Church, Stanton
•  Chipping Campden
•  St. James Church
Where We Ate
•  Bakers Arms Pub
•  The Coffee House
•  The Old Stocks Hotel
Where We Stayed
•  The Old Stocks Hotel

Stow On The Wold was probably our least favorite location of an otherwise wonderful trip. While Stow is a picturesque area of the Cotswolds, frankly there was not a lot to do during our free time. However, we did see and do a number of interesting and fun things. On our way to Stow, we stopped along the way at Warwick Castle. Unlike the other castles we visited, Warwick had a number of excellent demonstrations and re-creations. While there is more info below, we must point out that the Winged Warrior and Trebuchet demonstrations were the stand-outs.

Our next stop was the Old Stocks Hotel in Stow. The hotel was a great place to stay, although our room lacked a shower (picky?...yeah I know...but really a BATH?). Other than that the location was great and the dinning room was very good.

The whole group

That evening was a real treat! We boarded our bus for a short trip to the Bakers Arms Pub in Bugbrooks. There we experience a real English pub and were entertained by an outstanding group of local musicians and singers. As you can see from the picture (right), our group pretty well filled up the pub and had a time! It was one of our best evenings.


Gillian fills us in on the Church

On Monday we started the day with breakfast at our hotel. Good Stuff! We then loaded onto our bus and headed out for a tour of the Cotswold. Stopping first in a small town called Stanton we visited St. Michael and All Angels` Church. Gillian filled us in on the history and high-lights of the church. Stanton is a neat little town with a number of houses and shops, including some really fine examples of thatched roofs. The art work from Anne Prater was on note cards we purchased at the church (they were fund raising).

Our next stop was Chipping Campden. Linda and I took off to St. James Church (there were a couple of things inside we wanted to see) and then into town for some lunch and shopping. Lucky of us, Jack and Jan found a really wonderful silver shop on the upper floor of a building off the main street not far from the center of town. We decided to go over to it and found a really nice solid silver thimble for Linda`s collection.

Roman well...still running

After returning to Stow and retrieving our laundry (Gillian had made arrangements to have it cleaned for us) we and Jack and Jan decided dinner would be best at the hotel. We followed that up with a visit to the Roman well (above) in which water still flowed!

  Travel Extras Additional Location Information

  What We Saw Warwick Castle
July 1, 2007

The young volunteer in full costume
Warwick Castle was unlike the other castles we had visited. Warwick had four demonstrations/presentations that helped bring the castle to life.

Starting with the first picture (above left) is the long-bow demonstration. The young man in armor shows why the bow was so important. Bowmen could strike from a distance and using a weapon that effective against armor.

The next picture (above right) and second demonstration shows Jack and Jan walking through the Great Hall on a tour of the Castle titled The Royal Weekend Party. Inside the Castle they have recreated scenes (circa 1898) using wax figures to represent the guests.

Jack and Jan (center) and Therese (upper right)
walking through the ball room

The third demonstration is the best. The picture (lower left) shows one of the falconers with an American Eagle. They had a number of birds for the demonstration that they controlled like they were on a remote control. Wow Moment!

The fourth and final demonstration is the trebuchet. While we had to be across the river (for safety) the firing of the trebuchet was terrific. The a very large stone (medicine ball size) was flung hundred of feet. We were hoping for more then one fling, but what we saw was great.

A magnificant American Eagle

Trebuchet in action

Warwick Castle
Warwickshire, England CV34 4QU
Tel: 0870 442 2000
  Where We Ate Bakers Arms Pub
July 2, 2007

Bakers Arms Pub
The High Street
Bugbrooke, Northampton, UK
Tel: 01604 830065
  What We Saw St. Michael & All Angels` Church, Stanton
July 2, 2007

St. Michael & All Angels` Church, Stanton
Ingleby Road
Stanton by Bridge, Derbyshire DE73 1HU
Tel: 01332 862549
  Where We Ate The Coffee House
July 2, 2007
During our afternoon wandering around Stow we came upon The Coffee House and decided to get in out of the cool rain. The seating area was not large, but the chairs and couches were VERY comfortable. We each ordered a warm drink and a 'treat' as well. Both were tasty and appreciated. Definitely recommended.

The Coffee House
3-4 Church Street
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL54 1BB
Tel: 01451 870802
  What We Saw Chipping Campden
July 2, 2007

Chipping Campden was a great place to visit. It's a small town in the Cotswold with all the fixins. We visited a church (St James), had lunch from a take-away, bought a solid silver thimble and took in a Collectors Fair. the whole visit only lasted a couple of hours, but it was truly great fun. 
  What We Saw St. James Church
July 2, 2007

St. James Church
Little Glebe
Cider Mill Lane
Chipping Campden
Tel: 01386 841927
  Where We Ate The Old Stocks Hotel
July 2, 2007
We ate two breakfasts and one dinner at the hotel. The food was very good and the service was good. We'd recommend it.

The Old Stocks Hotel
Gloucestershire, UK GL54 1AF
Tel: 01451 830666
FAX: 01451 870014
  Where We Stayed The Old Stocks Hotel

A really nice hotel (although we would have liked to have had a shower). As long as you watched your head or watched your step coming out of your room the hotel comes with a recommendation. 

The Old Stocks Hotel
Gloucestershire, UK GL54 1AF
Tel: 01451 830666
FAX: 01451 870014
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